Welcome To The New Website!

Hello and welcome to my new website which I created on Squarespace!  I'm so excited to share with you my journey as an artist using the latest web and mobile features.   A big thank you to Texas based artist Laurie Pace for introducing me to this service and for her awesome advice on creating this.  

My previous provider hosted my blog.  Knowing the day I turned off their hosting services would also terminate my past blogs, I was able to export nearly all of it into Blogger.  The titles are missing but the dates of the posts are there which now take the title's place.  I'm thrilled to have been able to preserve it there.  Here is a link to it if you would like to see my posts from 2014 to the beginning of 2017.


Please be sure to sign up for my monthly news letters under the "Follow" tab.  I'll be updating this new blog spot on the new ericbodtker.com website in addition to sending out a monthly newsletter.

Thank you for visiting!
